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Here you will find our catalogs, result lists and bidding orders in pdf format.

Terms of Use

You must accept the following terms and conditions to access our auction catalogs.

For the protection of the public and with regard to foreign customers, the auctioneer is to the utmost care and prudence in dealing committed to contemporary historical objects from the time of National Socialism. The items are therefore not publicly issued. Titles and designations were used as usual in the catalog description. This is not associated with any rating.
Visitors, who would like to anticipate objects from the time of National Socialism and are not personally acquainted with the auctioneer, are requested to: to complete an appropriate survey form and to enter its area of collection. At the same time, taking note of the § § 86, 86a StGB and their strict compliance assured. Written bidders, who are not personally acquainted with the auctioneer, will be asked to pay for items from the time of National Socialism when submitting bids, Indicate the nature and purpose of their collection area, eg B. Development of a collection on the basis of events of the day, constructed according to scientific principles, such as World War II, the Wehrmacht, etc. The Auctioneer only accepts bids from those bidders who are in strict compliance with the § § 86, 86a StGB obligate.
By not contradicting the catalog owner, the auctionees and the bidders, they assure that they have the catalog and the items displayed therein from the time of National Socialism only for the purposes of state-building enlightenment, the defense against unconstitutional aspirations, art, science, research or teaching, reporting on events of current affairs or history or for similar purposes (§86a, §86 CC StGB).
The auctioneer offers these items and the corresponding catalog only under these conditions.

54th Auction
53rd Auction
52nd Auction
51st Auction
50. Auction
49. Auction
48. Auction
47. Auction
46. Auction
44. Auction
42. Auction
39. Auction
38. Auction
36. Auction
34. Auction
33. Auction
31. Auction
30. Auction
29. Auction
27. Auction
26. Auction
25. Auction
24. Web Auction
23. Auction
22. Auction
21. Auction
20. Web auction
19. Catalog auction
7. Web auction
18. Catalog auction
17. Catalog auction
6. Web Auktion
16. Catalog auction
15. Catalog auction
14. Catalog auction
13. Catalog auction
12. Catalog auction
11. Catalog auction
10. Catalog auction
5. Web Auktion
9. Catalog auction
4. Web Auktion
3. Web Auktion
2. Web Auktion
8. Catalog auction
7. Catalog auction
6. Catalog auction
5. Catalog auction
4. Catalog auction
3. Catalog auction
2. Catalog auction
1. Catalog auction